molly is a great kid. i feel like, for the most part, our parenting with her is mostly done. now, don't get me wrong - i know there will always be parenting and teaching times with her - but she knows the rules and consequences for things and she (generally) listens and obeys very well.
it has just begun with adelyn. in the last week i have just noticed her testing me on things - to see what i'll do when she pushes the limits. she's a rascal. and she's so friggin' cute it's almost hard to get on to her! she'll just look at me with this "i know you think i'm cute anyhow" look and it both drives me crazy and makes me want to squeeze her and love on her at the same time. but she has GOT to learn what "no" means and learn to matter how cute she is.
today we went to target and then walked on down to old navy. she kept saying "walk" - so i told her that she could walk, but that she would have to hold my hand. she started off good - but once we were in old navy, she was off like a rocket. just running through the store. and she is somehow VERY fast. well, i finally catch up to her and pick her up and she just starts kicking and hollering, "walk! walk!". we did walk...right out of the store. didn't even get to look at anything. once we were outside again, i gave her three more chances to walk and hold my hand....and every time, she disobeyed. so i finally just picked her up and carried her to the car. she's determined. but i will win these battles! i must!
later we ate with my friend jen and her kids - aedan (4) and silas (18 mo). adie got mad about something and head-butted silas right in the chest. and i swear i think she was going to try to bite him! not the biting already - for crying out loud, she only has 4 teeth!!! sheesh.
so this is the time, i think, when our parenting has got to be hard-core. always tough, always consistent. it takes a lot of two years of determination. but i know it will pay off in the long run. so here we go....wish us luck. :)