Thursday, August 27, 2009

my BABY is growing up too!!

adelyn had her first day of "pre-school" yesterday. it's actually just a mother's day out program, but we called it "school". she did absolutely fantastic. no tears at all, peed on the potty while she was there, and i was told, "she is very smart and a great listener!" i'm so proud of her. it was harder yesterday for me than it was taking molly to kindergarten. i didn't cry, but just kind of felt sad that my BABY is growing up too! sigh.

i just love my girls so much. it blows my mind how much. i can't describe it. they mean the world to me. yesterday i did cry later b/c i was watching the news and there was a sentencing trial going on for a man who helped take the lives of a local young couple...channon christian and chris newsome. it was heart-wrenching to watch as channon's parents took the stand to make their statement before the sentencing. she was only 21, and she sounded like such a beautiful, caring person....the kind of girl i would hope my girls turn in to.... and her parents won't ever get to see her get married or have her own children. i couldn't help but think of my own sweet the tears came easily. for them, and selfishly for me...if i were ever to be in their shoes... i can't imagine their pain. how in the world would you move on and forgive? only through Christ. and i can't imagine the pain that Christ must feel - for all people involved. the pain in this world was never meant to be. i think Jesus cries when we cry, and hurts when we hurt. well....didn't mean to go off on a little tangent there. guess that's just what i'm thinking about this morning.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

somebody stop time, please!!!

oh my goodness. molly had her first day of kindergarten yesterday. she LOVED it. dustin and i dropped her off together....we both held it together - but dad got a little teary. it's just crazy that she is in school now. i mean, before you know it she'll be getting her driver's license and heading to college! of course, there's so much fun to look forward to with every stage of life...but sometimes don't you just want to keep them little forever? sigh.

and my big adelyn joy is peeing on the potty!! she's really been getting it down the last 2 days...only 1 accident so far today. we got dum-dum suckers as a potty reward, and every time she's done peeing, she promptly says, "sucker?". she had 3 before noon today. :) still haven't mastered pooping yet. which i just really don't get. so many kids seem to have issues with pooping on the potty - i mean, really? you really would rather have that squished into a pull-up? whatevs. we'll get there soon enough. i'm just glad she's at least getting the peeing down.

on a completely different note...
volleyball training/conditioning week is over. i feel pretty good about my team. hoping for a great year. i was really happy to sleep in til 8:00 today! i was pretty worn out! my life's about to get crazy hectic....and, oh yeah, dustin and i are coaching basketball this year. yep, that means practice in the gym from august to march. yikes. but we're looking forward to it. that's all for now!