Tuesday, November 18, 2008

quote of the day....(drumroll please)...

this morning may have been the longest morning ever.  for some reason, everything took about three times longer than normal.  add to that having to get a shower and letting molly play in the teensy-weensiest amount of snow you've ever seen....and...well, i guess that's probably why it was the longest morning ever.  well, molly came in from the "snow" (seriously, just a light...if you can even call it that....dusting) and she was crying and all dramatic b/c her hands were freezing cold.....(i know i don't sound sensitive in the least....but i was frustrated b/c it was the longest morning ever and i couldn't get ready, and molly wanted hot chocolate!)....and somehow, in the midst of tears, she says....
"mama, i loved buckeye as much as i love Jesus!"
long, silent pause.....
what in the world?  buckeye was a stray dog that showed up at our house, that we ended up feeding and letting sleep outside for about 3-4 weeks.  (molly played with him some, but really not all that much)  we took him to the vet to get his shots and we were going to keep him but he had adult heart worms that would take about $500 to fix.  so we had to take him to a shelter....we just weren't (and couldn't) gonna spend that much money on a stray.  he was a sweet dog, but we just couldn't keep him.  
molly cries about buckeye once every few weeks, which seems crazy to me.  i guess i'm not as much of an animal lover as she is, but sheesh.  come on!  even my mom (who cried as a child because she squished a cricket) thinks it's a bit nuts.  i mean....it's great and all that she has such a sweet, tender heart....but seriously, she's gonna have issues if she can't move on from this and remember buckeye fondly, but be happy she has a new dog (that she LOVES probably more than Jesus at this point!), and GET OVER IT!!!  good grief.  
........so i say, "i know you loved buckeye, babe.  do you want me to get you some hot tea?"  
i don't know what to do about it....so i just acknowledge her and try to change the subject.  sigh.  high-maintenance people wear me out....and i'm bound and determined that the blackburn girls will NOT be high-maintenance! it was a good quote though....  


Kristin said...

Um yes...it is...oh how I love your blogs

Anonymous said...

baaahahahaha thats hillarious

Anonymous said...

I am jealous that you guys had some snow- we didn't see anything here!